The blind date girl doesn’t like your hints, every detail is hinting at you

1. The cold attitude when you first meet

When you meet the blind date girl for the first time When you meet her, she may appear cold and distant. She may not be smiling, and her dialogue may seem a little reserved. This cold attitude is actually hinting to you that she is not interested in you.

2. Lack of initiative and active participation

During the communication process, if the blind date girl lacks initiative and active participation, such as only answering short questions, not putting forward your own opinions, or not taking the initiative to expand the topic, then this is also an obvious hint. She may not have much interest in you and be unwilling to invest more effort in getting to know you.

3. Pay more attention to others than to you

When the blind date girl is more interested in other people around her and pays more attention to their words and deeds, this is also a hint. She may be more interested in connecting with other people and not much interest in you.

4. Refuse further contact and dating

If the blind date girl rejects your request for further contact and dating, for example, she is unwilling to exchange contact information or postpone the next meeting. , then this is a clear hint. She doesn't want to have more contact with you.

5. Frequently mention other men in the conversation

When the blind date woman frequently mentions other men in the conversation, such as her friends, colleagues or ex-boyfriends, this is also a hint . She may want you to understand that she already has other options.

6. Lack of common interests and topics

If during the communication process, you find that you and the girl you are dating lack If you have common interests and topics and cannot find a common language, then this is also a hint. She may think you don't have much in common to have a deep relationship.

7. Cues from facial expressions and body language

The facial expressions and body language of the girl you are dating can also reveal her attitude towards you. If she has a bored look on her face or her body language sounds nervous or uncomfortable, that's also a clear sign. She may not like you.

8. Avoid close contact and physical contact

When the girl you are dating avoids close contact and physical contact with you, such as avoiding your arms or avoiding your hugs, this is also A hint. She may not want much physical contact with you.

9. Ambiguous answers to your questions

If the blind date girl answers your questions ambiguously and is unwilling to give a clear answer, then this is also a hint. She may not want to reveal too much information about herself, nor does she want you to be more interested in her.Much interest.

10. Lack of initiative to continue the relationship

If the girl on the blind date lacks the initiative to continue the relationship, such as not taking the initiative to contact you or making suggestions for the next meeting, then this is also a Obvious hint. She may not be interested in you further.

8 hints that a girl tells you to chase her, seize the opportunity to be single instantly